Friday, January 14, 2011

It is what it is.

My motto for 2011: it is what it is.  Stop resisting.  Start accepting.  2011 is all about change.

I'm a visual person.  When I look at the number 1 paired with itself at the end of the date 2011, I see a bridge. This is the year to bridge my dreams with reality and bridge my expectations with reality. Bridge the gaps. Part of being able to change is learning to recognize what you cannot change.  The sooner you gain the skills to accept what you cannot change, the more energy you will have to change the things you can.  Now look at the "i"s in that statement.  It Is what It Is. 11. 11. It's going to be a good year.

It's going to be an exciting year! I have a lot to share.  Enjoy the ride!